Wednesday 31 October 2012

Three Symbols: 1st Symbol

Pomegranate tree:

The pomegranate tree is a very interesting element as it symbolizes Amir and Hassan's innocence, their friendship and a peaceful Afghanistan. It also shows the change in Amir and Hassan's relationship. When the two boys were young and innocent before the rape and also Amir's betrayal of Hassan the pomegranate tree is healthy and bountiful. At this time Afghanistan is peaceful, the  boys are content and life is simple. However after the rape the tree starts to decline. Amir and Hassan have a fight under the pomegranate tree where pomegranates are thrown, the red juice mocking blood. The next time the pomegranate tree is featured is when Amir comes back to Afganistan to find Sorab. Here the pomegranate tree is barren and the space around it a wasteland mocking Hassan and Amirs friendship.

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